What type of nurse are you?
I am a registered travel nurse that practices in mostly geriatric, long term care, hospice, and rehabilitation care. I have a background in cardiac, psych, geriatric, rehab, and hospice care.
How long have you been a nurse?
I have been a nurse for almost 9 years.
Why did you become a nurse?
I became a nurse as I wanted to make a difference in the world every day. My true passion has always revolved around the medical field and I enjoy helping and taking care of others. My favorite phrase that I have always lived and breathed by is: “It’s a beautiful day to save lives!” Every day I work I have touched someone’s life and I have saved many lives in the short 9 years I have been a nurse. I have had many mentors that I have admired during my nursing career and those wonderful people inspired me to be a nurse and supported me through nursing school. Thank you, Stephy, Brandy, Paul, Tim, Mary, Dave, Heidi, Gina, Shannon, and Shawn. You hold a special place in my heart and I admire all of you!
What is the most rewarding part of being a nurse?
I absolutely love being a nurse. My most rewarding experience s have come from being a nurse and saving lives every day. Families are so thankful for the work you do in keeping their loved ones safe. I have always felt I hold a purpose as a nurse and my patients and families have always confirmed that this path I chose as a nurse is the right path for me. My children are proud to have a mama that is a nurse. They are always proud to say my mom is a nurse! This alone is such a rewarding experience because not only do I have support from my friends and coworkers but also my family and my sweet children. Love you all.