5 Qualities of a Great Travel Nurse Recruiter

Posted July 12, 2021

There are many travel nursing agencies peppered throughout the nation. This can make it hard to choose an agency, let alone a travel nurse recruiter. Finding an agency that you have the same values and goals as is important. If you find an ethical agency, their employees’ values will often align. Working with an awesome recruiter makes a difference. It can be the difference between having a phenomenal travel nursing experience and a terrible one. Don’t be nervous to interview different recruiters to find the right one. Here are five qualities to look for in a great travel nurse recruiter!

They are Knowledgeable

Ensure your recruiter is knowledgeable in the healthcare and travel nursing industry. This is critical, especially if you are new to travel nursing. A recruiter who answers questions honestly and in a straight-forward manner is key. The recruiter should be well-versed about tax-free money, stipends, and housing options. They should also have no problem explaining pay packages and the hiring process.

After speaking with your recruiter, you should have a clear understanding of what to expect. If you don’t, you should feel at ease to ask questions, even hard ones.  Think of a recruiter as a personal advisor when it comes to making travel nursing decisions. They have the experience and knowledge to get you to where you want to be.

Red Flag: If the recruiter sounds like they are reading off of a piece of paper. Also, if they are answering questions in a roundabout way. This most likely means they are new to the industry and agency. Keep searching.

They Match Your Pace

We train in the PRN gym to be sharp both physically and mentally!

You want a travel nurse recruiter who works with you the way you want them to work with you. This means if you like things to be completed quickly, they will be. Or, if you are slower at submitting your application, the recruiter will be more laid back. The recruiter should match your pace stride-for-stride.

Let your recruiter know how you like to connect – email, phone, or text. Great travel nurse recruiters know when you like to connect and by what method. An awesome recruiter is also there for you 24/7. If they can’t be there for you then an after hours staff member should always be available. Crap happens, and when it does someone should always be there regardless of the day or hour.

Red Flag: It takes the recruiter over 48 hours to respond to you.

You Vibe Well Together

This is our Account Manager, Dan, with a travel nurse skiing out west!

Your goal is to be a team with your recruiter. There should be a level of comfort so you feel at ease speaking up, asking questions, or requiring last-minute changes.

Don’t be afraid to interview recruiters to find the right one. Your personalities should mesh, and it never hurts to bond over family, food, or sports too! Building a professional relationship with your recruiter should feel natural and comfortable. Heck, one of our travel nurses invited our recruiter, Andrea, to their wedding! Now that is a great bond!

Red Flag: The recruiter makes you feel like you are just another number. The conversations feel rushed and impersonal. This is a classic sign that this recruiter does not care about you outside of your contract. Drop them like a hot potato.

Honesty is Their First Policy

This is SO important, nurses! You always want to be able to trust your recruiter and the information they are giving you. Ensure they disclose and answer all questions and information before you sign on that dotted line.

Red Flag: Recruiter promises great things, but never delivers those promises.

Recommended By Other Nurses

A recruiter referral is a great way to know if a travel nurse recruiter is good to work with! Ask other fellow travel nurses if they have any recommendations for awesome recruiters! Chances are veteran nurses have had both amazing, and not-so-great experiences. So, listen and take notes.

At PRN Healthcare we have a $500 referral program. If you know a travel nurse who is looking for opportunities, send them our way and we will take care of them! You’ll get paid while they work.

There you have it! To find an awesome travel nurse recruiter, interview them and check these qualities off your list. They should be knowledgeable, honest, adaptable, and you should feel comfortable with them. Bonus points if the recruiter is was referred by a nursing friend. With this checklist as a guide, you’ll find an awesome nurse recruiter and accept great contracts.