Posted July 20, 2020

Travel nurses across the country lean on each other for advice, tips, best practices, and general guidance as they navigate the world as a gypsy. It’s crucial to have people in your corner that understand all the ups and downs of your profession. We work with some incredible travel nurses and wanted to tap into their experiences and opinions of travel nursing. Kelvin, Kristina, Dawn, and Donna are going to give us the low down on the best part of being a travel nurse and the advice they would give a brand new traveler. If you are on the fence with starting your travel nursing career, their insight is sure to have you hopping right over. Let’s get the inside scoop!

What is the Best Part of Being a Travel Nurse?

“FREEDOM (and he sang it 🙂 ), you get to see different culture, meet a ton of new people and see all the states.”

-Kelvin E, Sterile Processing Tech

“The best part about travel nursing for me is being able to live in different areas of the country, and being to experience the regional differences in cuisines, landscapes, recreation, attitudes, etc. With travel nursing you can live in a new place and experience all these new things without having to commit to moving there long term (unless you decide you want to!). Travel nursing has really helped me to broaden my horizons and open my mind to trying new things.”

-Kristina L, Registered Nurse

“I’m grateful that travel nursing provides me the opportunity to spend extended time in different areas. Learning about the character of a community while exploring all the natural beauty is extremely rewarding.”

-Dawn S, Registered Nurse

“The best part of being a travel nurse…there are so many!!!! My top two would be the people you meet and the places you go! I have made some good friends and have kept in touch with people I met years ago. It is always nice to have nurse friends who understand our unique lifestyle! I have been able to explored parts of the state that people would not normally stop to see. There is an amazing zoo that we got to old a baby wolf and a snake. There is waterfall that is off the beaten path…hidden gems that the locals tell you about. There are fifty amazing states that are just waiting you show you their secrets – go explore!!”

Donna S, Registered Nurse

What Advice Would You Give a New Traveler Embarking on their first contract?

“When it comes to where you work at, not everyone is going to like you. There’s no comfort zone for you. (Staying in someone else’s house, renting a room during the contract). You’re not going to be everyone’s friend in the department, and that’s ok. Just always remember that you’re there to do a job, not to make friends. You’re there to work. Be flexible and willing.”

-Kelvin E, Sterile Processing Tech

“I would advise new travelers to spend time exploring and trying new things on your days off. I would do a little research on touristy things to do, and also join Meetup groups that interest you so you can meet new people and get a better idea of what it’s like to actually live there. Ask your coworkers about the best local restaurants, museums, hiking spots, etc. I have found that most people are friendly and helpful when you show interest and are genuinely curious about learning about their city. I know how demanding our jobs can be and it’s tempting to just want to relax on your downtime, but getting out and experiencing the local culture and trying new things is so rewarding and fascinating! It can also make you realize that where you come from isn’t all that bad 🙂

With regard to advice on the job, figure out early on who your resources are, how to get in touch with them, and ask lot of questions. Get a list of phone numbers for all the departments that you can keep on your badge so you know how to get in touch with everyone fast. It can be overwhelming to learn a whole new system in just a few days, it helps to remember that you are not alone; be assertive and ask a lot of questions!”

-Kristina L, Registered Nurse

“Before nurses reach out to agencies they should learn as much as they can through reading books, on line web pages, and fb groups. Knowledge is the key to being successful and happy in this field.”

-Dawn S, Registered Nurse

“You have already done the hardest part. Quitting your staff job and jumping into the world of travel nursing is the hardest part, so congratulations!!! Every new adventure is fun, exciting and scary at the same time. Just remember that you are good at your job, you know what you’re doing and the staff nurses are happy that you are there (they don’t have to pick up the extra hours). As long as you know where the bathroom is everything else will fall into place. Be open minded to learning new ways to do things you already know. It is fun to learn different ways that places to the same thing. YOU GOT THIS!!”

Donna S, Registered Nurse

There are so many perks to being a travel nurse from the freedom and sight-seeing to meeting new people and enhancing your skillset. Travel nursing is such a unique adventure and one that you should definitely take in your lifetime. But, don’t just take our word for it – go find yourself your very own travel nursing contract today!